[xquery-talk] Whitespace problem in CSV-like output

Michael Kay mike at saxonica.com
Fri Oct 17 16:04:47 PDT 2008

Your query is returning a sequence of strings, and when that gets serialized
using the text output method, the strings are shown space-separated. (You
would appreciate this if your query were simply "//property1/string()".)

The obvious way to prevent this is to wrap your whole query in

string-join(<your query here>, '')

In fact you could then get rid of the concat() from your query and use
&#x10; as the second argument of string-join() instead.

Doing that directly might not be very legible: you could put the query in a
function to get around this.

> (Another question: Within my "quantity" elements, I use the 
> German decimal separator which is a comma. Is there a more 
> elegant way than translating it to a dot and back, like 
> above, when summing up the values found in this element?)

Not really. You can do simple translations like this using translate()
rather than replace(), but it's no less code.

Michael Kay


> -----Original Message-----
> From: talk-bounces at x-query.com 
> [mailto:talk-bounces at x-query.com] On Behalf Of Yves Forkl
> Sent: 17 October 2008 14:12
> To: talk at x-query.com
> Subject: [xquery-talk] Whitespace problem in CSV-like output
> Hi,
> from a very simple XML input, I would like to create a 
> CSV-like output, putting each record (as I see them) in a 
> line of its own, with its fields separated by some delimiter 
> like a semicolon.
> It works quite well, except that a space gets inserted at the 
> front of each line starting from the second line in the output.
> My demo input is:
> <?xml version='1.0'?>
> <list>
>    <entry>
>      <property1>A</property1>
>      <property2>33</property2>
>      <quantity>1,5</quantity>
>    </entry>
>    <entry>
>      <property1>A</property1>
>      <property2>33</property2>
>      <quantity>0,5</quantity>
>    </entry>
>    <entry>
>      <property1>B</property1>
>      <property2>22</property2>
>      <quantity>0,5</quantity>
>    </entry>
> </list>
> My XQuery file has:
> declare namespace saxon="http://saxon.sf.net/"; declare 
> option saxon:output "method=text";
> let $entries := /list/entry
> for $property1 in distinct-values($entries/property1),
>      $property2 in distinct-values($entries[property1 =
> $property1]/property2)
>    let $selected_entries := $entries[property1 = $property1 and
>                                             property2 = $property2]
>    order by $property1, $property2
>    return(
>      concat(
>        string-join(
>          ($property1, $property2,
>           replace(xs:string(
>                     sum(for $quantity in $selected_entries/quantity
>                         return xs:decimal(replace($quantity, 
> ",", ".")))),
>                   "\.",
>                   ",")),
>          ";"),
>        "&#10;"))
> The result as obtained with Saxon is:
> A;33;2
>   B;22;0,5
> It is the space at the beginning of the second line that I 
> can't get away with. Can you explain what I am doing wrong 
> here and maybe suggest a solution?
> (Another question: Within my "quantity" elements, I use the 
> German decimal separator which is a comma. Is there a more 
> elegant way than translating it to a dot and back, like 
> above, when summing up the values found in this element?)
>    Yves
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