[xquery-talk] saxon expath http-client not recognized?

Paul Kelly paul at polvo.ca
Tue Oct 17 14:58:39 PDT 2023

Hi, first time posting (or maybe last time was like 10 years ago). I’m trying to make a simple get request with the expath http-client but keep getting the following error:

Using Saxon (from command line and all three versions in oXygen):

xquery version "1.0";
declare namespace http = "http://expath.org/ns/http-client";
let $path := "/file.xml"
let $host := "http://polvo.ca"
let $url := concat($host,$path)
let $request := <http:request href="{$url}" method="get" />

Static error on line 11 column 20 of apa-test.xq:
 XPST0017 Cannot find a 1-argument function named Q{http://expath.org/ns/http-client}send-request()
Static error(s) in query

Hope I’m just just being dumb and the answer is obvious…



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